domestic producer


The area of concessions belonging to Caobar S.A., includes an extensive zone of around 9,000 hectares.

This large area has the best conditions for exploitable mineralisation. The concessions are located in the areas of Poveda de la Sierra and Peralejos de ls Truchas, some 210 km north-east of Madrid. There are currently two extraction centres, one in the Mª José mine and the other in the Machorro mine, both located in Poveda de la Sierra.

The estimated reserves in the company’s concessions are 45 million tonnes.


Essential for Caobar’s quality policy are our laboratories. The human and technical quality of this department gives us total control of both our production process and the final product, leading to a quality and consistency of the product that gives Caobar a distinctive character within the sector.

Office and washing plant

  Telephone: +34 949 22 71 65

  Fax: +34 949 21 69 03

Crtra.N II km 60- 19193 -

        Taracena, Guadalajara (España)



  19143 Poveda de la Sierra, 

          Guadalajara (España)

   Telephone: +34 949 816 424

Treatment Plant

  19143 Poveda de la Sierra,

          Guadalajara (España)

   Telephone: +34 949 816 424